Update on Fort Wayne First SDA Church Sabbath Services – June 11, 2020
With our state making progress toward opening back up, members of the church board and worship committee met this evening to discuss a timeline for normalizing services at the Fort Wayne First Church. There were a variety of opinions expressed, but a clear consensus emerged. It included the following:
- As there is still transmission of COVID-19 in our community, we think that it is best to err on the side of prudence as we move forward.
- We will continue to offer both a live adult Sabbath School and a live worship service in the sanctuary but will continue to offer local Zoom and/or YouTube options for those who are not yet comfortable returning to church. Our Tuesday night health/Bible meeting and our Wednesday night prayer meeting will continue to be available exclusively online.
- Local Youth Sabbath School options exist (please check with Dustin Schultz for plans from week to week). However, we are following state guidelines in not re-opening children’s Sabbath School services until after schools reopen. The scheduled date for the reopening of schools is July 1.
- We will allow anyone to attend our live church services regardless of their age and physical health status, although those over 65 and those with underlying health conditions are encouraged to consider taking advantage of on-line options or attending the more sparsely attended first service.
- No one will be required to wear face coverings, although this is still recommended. Research suggests that face masks decrease the risk that an asymptomatic or presymptomatic person will transmit COVID-19 and/or other respiratory infections to others. Of course, we continue to expect that anyone who feels ill will not attend our live services.
- As it is possible that someone may unconsciously be harboring the COVID-19 virus, to decrease the risk of exposure, we will continue to keep multiple windows and the main doors open to increase ventilation in the sanctuary. Additionally, we continue to encourage non-contact greetings and that non-family members keep at least 6 feet of physical distance between themselves and other parties. However, these distancing recommendations will not be enforced. In other words, you are free to sit where you choose. Nonetheless, we are still encouraging sitting in every other row, with rows so designated.
- A church business meeting is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, June 25 to be held over Zoom. All church members are welcome to attend and vote. In addition to considering the church budget for the next fiscal year (beginning July 1), we will discuss plans for further expanding church services, Sabbath Schools, etc.
Thank you each for being patient with this process. We all long for the day when we can meet together again without any restrictions. However, as we make progress, those in leadership do not want to expose anyone to undue risks.
Pastor DeRose
To participate virtually, here are links to use for our services and upcoming events:
- Adult Sabbath School and 11 AM Sabbath worship services are available at: fortwayneadventist.org/worsahip.
- Adult Sabbath School (9:45 AM) by Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/97794282818?pwd=Z1BCcGE4NDllcmlpNll6VEVDcUFIZz09 or call 1 312 626 6799 and use Meeting ID: 977 9428 2818 and Password: 837976.
- Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting. Join either by live stream at fortwayneadventist.org/worship or by Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/92367868122?pwd=WEJzcWl1aEd3U0J1L1FwVTYra2szdz09. (You can also access Zoom by calling 312 626 6799 and using Meeting ID: 923 6786 8122 and Password: 488043.)
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