Church Service Live Stream
Your Generosity Matters
stew · ard · ship
the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care.
God's people have always returned their tithes and offerings to Him in accordance with the cultural practices and currency of their time. In biblical times that often meant the first fruits of their crops or livestock. As civilization and technology progressed, coins and paper currency came to represent the fruits of their labor. Today, debit and credit cards as well as electronic transfers are replacing coins and currency as the preferred method of payment and giving. Recognizing this inevitable trend, our church now offers the option of online giving through AdventistGiving.org.
This option allows anyone to return their tithes and offerings to our church and if desired, to designate specific ministries or projects to which they wish to direct their donations. All that is required is a debit or credit card with a VISA or MASTERCARD logo, or a credit card with the DISCOVER network. This system uses high levels of online security to ensure your personal information stays safe.
The benefits of using this option are several. First, your credit card statements can be a useful summary for your donations. Furthermore, the cost of using this service is shouldered by our Conference, the North American Division and the General Conference so 100% of your giving to our church goes directly to what you designate. Finally, the benefit to our church is that no matter where you are in the world, you can still support our congregation's ministry and vision in a timely manner.
There are downsides, of course, such as the fact that while local churches are not charged for this service, using credit cards means an additional expense for the world church. For this reason, the General Conference encourages the use of debit cards or electronic transfers which cost much less per transaction. Some also feel that online giving may eliminate the joy of putting an offering into the offering plate as an act of worship. However, because the online service generates a receipt of your donation, there is a portion you can tear off and put in the offering plate as a symbol of your giving. This receipt is not intended for tax purposes. Our church treasurer will still issue you an official receipt of your total annual giving for tax purposes at the end of the year.
Please understand that this option does not eliminate your choice to return your tithes and offerings in the usual manner at church. It is simply another option available to you as you seek to be faithful to God and support the work of His kingdom.
Clicking the button below will open a new window and take you to the AdventistGiving website.
Sabbath School
Sabbath School classes are scheduled from 9:45-10:45 a.m. every Sabbath. Visitors are always welcome. Links under each category connect to an online version of the Sabbath School study guide for the current quarter.
Pastor’s Office on Main Level
Sanctuary on Main Level
Online study guide:
Standard Adult Version
Karen language edition:
Karen Sabbath School Quarterly
Media Center on Main Level
Ages 16 to Young Adults
Online study guide:
Cornerstone Connections
The Wait
Learning from Royalty – Part 3
Learning from Royalty – Part 2
Changing Leaders
In the Wilderness
Saved Through Water
Why So Much Pain and Suffering? – Part 7
Why So Much Pain and Suffering? – Part 6
Why So Much Pain and Suffering? – Part 5
Why So Much Pain and Suffering? – Part 4
Why So Much Pain and Suffering? – Part 3
Why So Much Pain and Suffering? – Part 2
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